Sunday, November 15, 2015

Seesawed at an IEP Meeting

 Seesaw Student Portfolios

I could not be more pleased with how easy and convenient Seesaw is to use! I have been putting if off, because I thought it would take time to figure out. Wrong! I looked at it after work and was using it at an IEP Meeting in the morning!

All you do is add your students and start uploading their work! With a few touches I was able to show parents the improvement their child has made in math and writing. You can upload documents and include links to work students have done on-line, such as Storybird books and Shadow Puppets.

There is so much more, such as the ability to share student work with other students and to invite parents to view on-line. I want it for organizing data to share with parents at meetings.

Folder portfolios are not too cumbersome, but this is less to muddle around with and it's technology. Gotta stay with the times, ya know!


  1. I so admire the way you have taken the bull, I mean technology, by the horns and are winning! I would imagine the parents were very pleased to see actual examples of their child's work as documentation and support for your statements. Did you use your ipad to take pictures of the student work? I am so very glad that Jackson has you as his teacher. He has come sooo far since his time in Kindergarten. I love being able to see what all he is doing for you. You are bringing out great things in him!

  2. I thought I left a comment earlier when I accessed your post through Twitter, but I guess not! I wanted to say how great it is that you are using SeeSaw! I am enjoying it, but often forget about it because I am trying to integrate so many different technology options in my classroom. The only glitch I have found with SeeSaw was the QR codes. I tested them out and they did not take me to the SeeSaw site but instead gave me an error message. I kind of got discouraged after that and backed off a bit. I think you have given me a little kick to get back in gear! Thanks!

  3. Thank you for sharing how easy it was to set up SeeSaw for your class, and how you were able to demonstrate student growth to parents. It is helpful to share tools and ideas for use. Well done.
