Getting my feet wet, is an appropriate phrase for how I've decided to begin integrating more technology into my teaching. Using a new medium for lesson presentation is engaging for the students, and less scary for me, than having students use a new application. Terrific Topic Sentences! is a Prezi I made for a lesson on Tuesday with a fourth grade class. The most interactive parts of the lesson do not take place in the Prezi, but you can get a basic idea of the flow and objectives of the lesson.
This coming week, I will be introducing Shadow Puppet Edu to my 5th grade writers. I want them to take photographs of their drawings that they have written sentences about. Then read their sentences. I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote about the Salt Dogs baseball game that all of the 5th graders in our district attended last week.
Below is a pic of some of my friends!
Of course, we had to take a selfie!
Must add this little bit of information~~~ Since I had so much fun creating the Prezi on my iPad, I expressed to the 4th grade teacher that I co-teach with, that it would be great to project it directly from the iPad as well. THAT'S when she told me that the fourth grade teachers have Apple TVs and iPad mini's! Well, I'll be! I had no idea! So all I have to do now is
1) Make sure my iPad is on the private network and
2) Connect to the Apple TV in her classroom.
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.